September 1, 2022 is a day that will live in infamy for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. It was on that day that the Biden White House and the Democrat Party forgot one of the immutable laws of politics in the age of television and social media: Optics matter.
Optics do matter. In fact, they matter more than any other single factor in politics today.
On September 1, Biden’s elder-abusing handlers, being so fond as they are of projecting their plans for America by using symbolism, intentionally chose a set of background optics that would evoke images of Nazi Germany. In giving his angry, often shouting speech demonizing half of American citizens that night, backed by a red-lit Independence Hall in Philadelphia complete with armed Marines in dress uniform standing rigidly at parade rest throughout, Biden looked and sounded for all the world like Hitler shouting to the assembled masses from the balcony at the Reichstag.