Monday's Absurdity: Why Democrats/Media Responded With Such Fury to the Let's Go Brandon Guy
The backlash against Jared Schmeck, the NORAD employee who got the Sock Puppet-in-Chief to say “I agree, Let’s Go Brandon” on last Friday’s annual Santa Tracker call from the White House - or actually, from the fake White House sound stage a few blocks away - from those on the political left has been almost shockingly furious. Schmeck was quickly identified by the Perpetual Outrage Mob on Twitter, and the doxxing by the corrupt hacks at CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times continued throughout the entire Christmas weekend.
Schmeck and his family have been subjected to grotesque attacks and death threats from the Mob, and that is likely to continue until he has lost his job, his kids have been bullied at school and his entire family is forced to go into hiding. All over a phone prank that our ostensible “president” was too clueless not to step right into.
And that’s the issue here, really. Those who infest the political left - including the 98% of the corrupt media - cannot allow their Sock Puppet to become the object of universal ridicule. After all, they are responsible for saddling the country with this functional invalid as the nominal president, and have spent the last year attempting to brainwash the public to believe that he is somehow capable of actually performing the duties of the office even though he clearly demonstrates that is not the case - not at all - multiple times every week, and with increasing frequency over time.
Schmeck’s prank revealed that the Sock Puppet is exactly that: A substance-devoid shell of a human being who must be led around on a leash by an army of elder-abusing staffers who must write and dictate his every public utterance for fear of humiliation. Schmeck revealed for all to see what happens when the Sock Puppet is allowed to improvise for even a simple photo-op phone call. He showed that Biden is so sheltered from the news of the day that he is obviously completely unaware of the Let’s Go Brandon phenomenon that has permeated our society for four solid months now.
I and others have made the very real comparison between the Biden presidency and the old movie “Weekend at Bernie’s,” mainly because it is such a real and apt analogy to draw. The Democrats and their media propaganda ministers know this and also understand that once a political figure becomes a universal figure of ridicule, it is almost impossible to ever truly recover. Dan Quayle, Dan Rather and the Creepy Porn Lawyer are three prime examples in recent history.
Biden has been teetering on the brink of that universal ridicule status for months now. Well over half of voters in poll after poll now believe that his election was significantly influenced by voter fraud (even as high as 30% of Democrat now answer that way in recent polls), and also believe that he is not up to the job of the presidency. The percentage on that latter question now approaches 2/3rds in some polls. If it should rise into the 70s, the Sock Puppet will become the lamest of lame ducks our country has ever seen.
The Democrats and their media supporters understand all of this, and that is why the backlash towards Schmeck and his family has been so overblown. To the Mob, Schmeck is a figure who must be discredited, and even more, punished. They feel they must make a public example of him in order to discourage others from ridiculing their invalid president.
Because, having failed to convince the public to believe that every weekend at this White House is not another Weekend at Bernie’s, their fallback position now must be to try to make people fear saying what they can plainly see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears.
This Emperor truly has no clothes, but if you dare not pretend to see a beautiful robe of many colors draped on his naked, shriveled body, you risk becoming the next target of the Mob. It’s how things work in Banana Republics all over the world, so why should a Democrat-dominated America be any different?
That is all.