I’m sorry, I just had to laugh out loud when this was the first tweet in my Twitter feed this morning:
I mean, hell’s belles, who can blame them? I would hope Texas Governor Greg Abbott would issue a similar warning anytime Pelosi plans to visit Texas. Who needs that human plague showing up in their town?
Speaking of Gov. Abbott, he made this announcement yesterday:

It’s a risky move that he may not have the power to make. I cover that all in detail in this morning’s Campaign Update. Read it.
Speaking of illegal immigrants flooding our Southern border, Biden is giving them “free” phones paid for by your tax/debt dollars:

You just cannot make this stuff up, folks.
And speaking of Chuckie Psaki, she also told this whopper during yesterday’s briefing:

She is going to fit right in with the staff of serial liars over at MSNBC.
Oh, hey, here’s another one:

Peter Doocy traps this hopeless dimwit into committing multiple lies every damn day. It’s really kind of pitiful. No wonder she’s bailing out.
Hey, look: Disney has a new logo!
Ok, it’s not really Disney’s new logo, but shouldn’t it be?
From our “With RINOs Like These, Who Needs Democrats?” file:

Note to Spencer Cox: Polling data consistently shows that less than 10% of Hispanic Americans approve of being referred to as “LatinX.” What in the hell are you even thinking about here? You’re making Greg Abbott and his advisors look like a pack of geniuses right now, and that’s not easy to do.
Hey, I wonder if Obama will conduct this interview from the living room of his $12 million oceanfront home that is bare inches above sea level?
Al Roker, a career weather clown, conducting this “interview,” everybody. Classic.
Meanwhile, the corrupt corporate news media continues to turn up the heat on the Hunter Biden laptop story. Check out this report by CBS News, which up until last week had managed to go over 270 days without a single mention of the name ‘Hunter Biden’, from last night:

This is an important milestone. Why? Note the story contains multiple visuals not just of Hunter and James Biden, but of Joe Biden as well, including two shots of either Hunter or James in the same photo with the nominal president himself.
CBS could have easily created and filed this story without making a single mention or using a single visual of Joe Biden. It would have been the easiest thing in the world. But the editors there intentionally decided to make Joe Biden an integral part of the story. That is significant, because it means the people at CBS now understand that they will ultimately lose whatever credibility they have remaining as a “news” organization if they continue carrying Joe Biden’s water on this one.
Loyalty among rats on a sinking ship only goes so far.
Obviously, there is much, much more damaging information to come on this matter. What fun.
That is all.
I think what this indicates is that the progressive megaplex is ready to toss Biden and these are some of the first steps in that process. Get ready for Cackles, and the new VP who is meant to be the =real= dictator when they bounce Cackles out.
Regarding the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco, there appears to be a lot more inbound fire coming. Sundance posted this Wednesday the 6th. A good rundown on what's apparently really going to hit the streets soon.