Thursday's Totally Tedious Absurdities: Escorts, Empty Threats and Fake Death Threats Permeate the DC Swamp
This clip of San Fran Nan is totally precious:
Oh, sure, her son accompanied her on this trip to Asia - where his company does all kinds of business - just to be her personal escort. You betcha.
I just love the fake smile she attempts to put on her decrepit mug, and the explanation that “spouses were invited but some were unable to go.”
Well, yes: Nan’s hubby, Paul Pelosi, was “unable to go” because he was on trial for having damn near killed people while drunk driving in the Napa Valley. Distracting public attention from that scandal was in fact one of the main motivations for Pelosi’s hastily-arranged trip, which had no official sanction from the United States government.
Complete and total corruption.
Let’s move on…
Your PSA for today:
Just a note that Joe Manchin could have agreed to hire 87,000 security personnel to protect our school children as part of his devil's deal with Chuck Schumer. Instead, he decided to hire 87,000 IRS agents whose job it will be to harass their parents.
That's all you need to know about Joe Manchin.
This rejoinder from the Financial Times to always-wrong-about-everything Jim Cramer is priceless:
Our empty threat of the day award goes to Missouri Senator Josh Hawley:
Yes, I’m sure Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland are quaking in their Nazi jack boots over the prospect of being impeached by Kevin McCarthy and facing a senate removal trial headed up by Lindsey Graham.
Speaking of empty threats, there was this from hilariously inept New York City Mayor Eric Adams:
Yyyyyeahhh, I got news for Mayor Adams: Busloads of New Yorkers have been streaming down to the Lone Star State over the last few years just to get away from the high taxes and COVID-19 insanity. They’re already here, and we don’t see them knocking on doors for Beto.
Shut up, clown.
Tell me you conduct yourself by the Democrat party playbook without actually telling me that:
It’s right there on Page 14: “Whenever you’re backed into a political corner due to your own malfeasance in office, first claim to be receiving death threats.”
These people are just too transparent.
From our You Just Could Never Make This Stuff Up, Folks file:

You just could never, never, never, ever make this stuff up, folks. Don’t even try.
That is all.
I was amazed yesterday when the lame stream media said we couldn’t use the word “raid” to describe the FBI descending on Trump’s home! I immediately started yelling “raid, raid, raid, raid, raid & felt much better. As the Dimocrats tell us specific words we must stop using I’ve adopted those words as my favorites; raid, raid, raid!
why is De Santis so quiet about the raid? Does anyone have any ideas about this?
Not good-