I too would like a better deal however like McCathy said the republicans in the house are only 1/3 of the equation. IF he gets this deal through I believe he will have exceeded all expectations since Biden and the dems starting point was a clean increase.

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McCarthy is so far the most effective GOP speaker I can remember. He's tremendous.

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Not good enough. The final deal needs to cut back the IRS budget to $40 Billion. We know the know tge IRS has been weaponized against conservatives in the past, so what's to stop them in the future. Certainly not ethics. That being said, McCarthy is likely to deliver a far better deal than what Biden proposed in the beginning. Let's hope so.

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Regarding NEPA, if this makes it through, it will be a major game-changer in the NEPA world. As it currently stands, every federal agency has its own interpretation of the law. Some, like FHWA’s process, are extremely streamlined. A single lead agency for everything could make this process substantially more onerous. On the other hand, it can ONLY improve the US Forest Service’s NEPA process, which already ranks in the top two or three as the most onerous of all agencies. So, I guess we’ll see what happens, but regardless, just having one interpretation of the law should make it easier for everyone to follow.

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