
A couple of things... In much the same way that Don Rickles could say something way out of line to a man's wife in an audience that would've gotten anyone else's teeth knocked out... and get a heartfelt laugh from the husband, Trump's brand of ADD, street smart, narcissists' savvy allows him to boldly go where no man has gone before. Anyone else would have been crazy to accept that debate on those terms but Trump has bulletproofed himself in a way few others can.

So for him, it does now look like a brilliant move, but it was nonetheless a poor risk/benefit calculation for any other mortal... and could have been catastrophic. That said, there's a long way till the election and almost every factor in the equation is a variable... we'll have to see.

And anyone want to tell me the over and under on "Dr." Jill Biden wanting to step down?!?

We do indeed live in "interesting times," a Chinese curse, I believe.

But through it all, you're an anchor in stormy seas, Brother Blackmon, and I continue to believe your Stack is the best value on the planet.

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Jun 28Liked by David Blackmon

Good mea culpa. Your commentary on debate last night was excellent. Trump could have used more rapier like humor and a little less bombast to pinprick the Biden balloon.

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This is precisely why you're the best at what you do, David

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Jun 28Liked by David Blackmon

It’s okay, David. I was kind of slightly incorrect about something one time, too. It happens to us all. 😂

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Jun 29Liked by David Blackmon

Well said David! Appreciate you!

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Jun 28Liked by David Blackmon

Man, I wish I shared your enthusiasm, David! I feel like we blindly & completely just enabled them to start the process of getting rid of the Sock Puppet to get their preferred candidate on the ballot. I pray that I am wrong but it’s been nagging me all day.

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I am with you. That is all I can think is it was a way to officially rid themselves of the old slime-bag. Who will they run and then will it just be frauded up, again! Agonizing as well.

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Trump is a sorry waste of human DNA.

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Well, aren't you special.

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