Superb, and elementary my Dear!

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I taught earth science, including climates, to seventh graders in the 1970s. Al Gore's joke of a book, "Earth in the Balance" had just come out. Even then, the MSM displayed the incredible lack of journalistic integrity that they are now known for. There was no effort to get input from real scientists. (Think about it. For medical and healthcare issues, they will bring in medical experts, even have them on staff. Have you ever seen them bring in a climatologist to discuss climates?)

The joke is, Al had reported that we would have an ice age within 100 years (of 1975), and in every science class I had students asking me if an ice age was coming, all because of Al's book, and the noncritical reporting on it by 'journalists'. And it has just gotten increasingly absurd from there.

People have discussed the cost of all this absurdity, and it is huge. People should consider where all that money is going. That money is making others wealthy. Long ago, Al gore put himself in the middle of a 'carbon credit' rip-off scheme that makes him, and others, HUGE money, in return for which we Americans get nothing. Well, we do get something, we get screwed.

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Chris is one of the best. Watching and reading on #X when he destroys the rabid cultists is truly enjoyable.

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9 hrs agoLiked by David Blackmon

Simply glorious. And, obviously, someone else I absolutely must follow.

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Mr Blackmon, Once again this article is spot on.To understand and then be able to overcome any false ideas and statements, we must go to the crux of the problem.The initial assumptions made by people that are making money on all of this were set up for their personal benefits.These assumptions are incorrect is so many ways.This article covers most all of them.This climate hysteria started many years ago and they try it every so many years.This time it is running over all of us and seems to be way worse than the past lies.

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Interesting questions, if a bit snarky (hey snark can be good). Here is one more. Is there any amount of carbon in the atmosphere that would cause you to be concerned, even if you cannot quantify the perfect amount of atmospheric carbon? If so, does it make sense to start taking steps now to reduce the amount of carbon being emitted? Okay, so that was two questions.

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