Jun 8Liked by David Blackmon

Very well stated!

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Jun 8Liked by David Blackmon

All true what he says, except Biden didn't do any of those things. Biden doesn't know what state he's in half the time. He may know what flavor of ice cream he craves.

This is all the dirty work of the Demented Demons of Davos. Pressing for their Globalitarian World Tyranny.

One of the best summaries of what is REALLY going on in the World right now is here:

Eddie Hobbes Event: Road to Dystopia - Unless we Stand Up! Ivor Cummins


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Jun 8Liked by David Blackmon

Make sure you forward this to all your Trump-hating friends…

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I agree that the economy was doing very well under Trump, but his tax cuts contributed to a ballooning deficit.

Biden has not managed the border well. Too bad the House didn’t support the bipartisan border bill passed by the Senate.

Hunter Biden was just pronounced guilty in his gun possession trial. I guess Biden’s influence over the DOJ has its limits. Or maybe he was having a senior moment when he should have been pulling the strings of the DOJ when his son was being prosecuted. I wish the people suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome would give us the facts. Is Biden a brilliant master mind who is running a sophisticated crime syndicate or is he a doddering old fool who doesn’t know what state he’s in half the time. Or is Biden like Ed Muskie. According to a staff member on Muskie’s Presidential campaign, he was so erratic that “From moment to moment you never knew who you were going to end up with: Abe Lincoln, Captain Queeg, Macbeth or Bobo The Simpleton.”

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