Jun 7Liked by David Blackmon

David, if you read the Democrats talking points newsletter - Politico - you would have known that the speechwriters planned to copy Reagan’s talk. They openly talked about it. So, is it plagiarism, or Joe Biden being Joe Biden? Remember he had to withdraw from his first presidential run because of plagiarism.

Biden has no shame as a politician or a human.

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I look at Politico from time to time, but missed that story. Shameful.

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Jun 7Liked by David Blackmon

Peggy Noonan is a faux conservative and Never Trumper so I don’t think she’s going to say anything

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Wait.... so Biden's own "speechwriters" are so amateurish and pathetic that they OPENLY admit to plagiarizing??!!! They are so flummoxed at attempting to craft a speech worthy of the moment, and likely so vapid as to not even comprehend the magnitude of D-Day, that they just say F-it and have Biden read Reagan's speech with some minor edits?!!?

Imitation is, indeed, the sincerest form of flattery.

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Nothing new here to me, but grateful you’re pointing this out to those who may not know about Lying Sleepy Joe

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In 1988, my political outlook was in a formative stage as a 17-year-old, and it was during that year when I recall hearing of Joe Biden having plagiarized something from a Labour Party leader in the UK. Looking back in retrospect, I have this to say: If he plagiarized then-President Ronald Reagan 40 years ago in his recent D-Day address as President (as some here are saying), surprise is not warranted at all.

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