We know what. I want to know why. I want to who is responsible. I want to know how will accountability be assigned. I want to know when accountable people will be disciplined…

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by David Blackmon

“Layered incompetence is intent” said Dan Bongino several weeks ago. Obviously, this security debacle was not due to incompetence; but deliberate sabotage of basic protective services tactics, techniques, and procedures by the SS leadership. Coach Buzzcut needs his phones confiscated then he needs to be arrested as an accomplice to attempted murder.

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Sep 25Liked by David Blackmon

Complicit in the act is what the evidence points to -

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Sep 25Liked by David Blackmon

The more we learn, the more obvious it is that the USSS wasn't simply negligent in this failure, but was complicit in the assassination attempt. What a sad time we live in.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by David Blackmon

The two committees are not asking the right questions, in fact, they are deliberately avoiding interviewing the people who should have been grilled from Day 1:

Because the FBI and DHS are Stonewalling the Investigation, Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson:



Who made the decision to let Trump take the stage and stay there?

Where were the two local snipers Nicol and Murcko, who abandoned their posts at exactly the critical time? And left 4 windows open, no sniper would ever do that. Not even interviewed.

Why did Trump's protective detail not respond when they clearly had warning, enough for the one sniper team to turn 180deg to that direction? Why not one agent interviewed?

Crooks was wandering around for >over two hours before the event, seen at least 5 times and not once confronted. Why?

Who made the decisions on the moronic placement of the SS sniper teams? Why not interviewed?

Who ordered the totally unheard of investigation procedures of the FBI after the event?

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Sep 25Liked by David Blackmon

I'm pretty sure Crooks was MKUltra'd by the CIA, that explains his erratic & fearless behavior. Which is likely why the FBI illegally released his body cremated just ten days after the event. Don't want anyone to test for the powerful hallucinogens that the CIA uses.

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