Play stupid games, you get stupid consequences Biden!

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I suspect we'll see the Ukrainian President and Putin strike some sort of deal.

Most likely, he will concede a portion of the Ukraine for peace. Those who wish to remain under Ukrainian governing will have to move or stay and fight on their own. Putin is smart enough to know that he can troll Slojoe and gang and get what he wants without crossing the border or firing a shot.

The CEYEA and the Warmonger Uniparty in DC want a war more for distraction than anything. It's their go to when they have put our once great nation in the toilet and can't explain away their malfeasance and corruption.

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The only deal Putin will accept is if Ukraine stays out of NATO. It's that simple and he's made this quite clear. Would we accept nukes in Mexico under drug cartel control? Neither will Putin. Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. Somehow they beat the US out.

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